The value of beauty is visual, but we will draw a big picture of the beauty industry with the belief that the value of beauty can change the world in a positive direction as our mission.
thank you
Total Beauty Furniture
Future with Customers
The ideal salon space of your dreams
ECCLIM will be with you on the road to success.
We have designed and built lastingcustomer experiences for amazing spaces.
05 ㅣ AD-D +plus Lunching
06 ㅣ APPLE Marketing On & Offline
11 ㅣ Establishment of the R&D
08 ㅣ The signing of the M.O.U. in the Korean E&N
02 ㅣ Experience Team Site 'LDD' Open
Please Enjoy the Atmosphere
경기도 파주시 조리읍 능안로344
344, Neungan-ro 266beon-gil, Jori-eup, Paju-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea
Tel. 031-949-4651 | Fax. 031-949-4652 |
ⓒ 2018 ECCLIM
Tel. 031-949-4651 ㅣ Fax. 031-949-4652 ㅣ mamdo2@naver.com경기도 김포시 양촌읍 구래로42번길 41 ㅣ Biz License 724-63-00173 ㅣ 개인정보관리책임자 : 전민수
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